Taru Leading Edge, New Delhi
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Pondicherry University
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Pondicherry University
1. Studies on food-energy nexus, A.P
2. Evolving an integrated environmental management plan for sustainable industrialization of Pondicherry region (2005) - N.Ramesh ,
3. Evolving,
1. Studies on food-energy nexus, A.P
2. Evolving an integrated environmental management plan for sustainable industrialization of Pondicherry region (2005) - N.Ramesh ,
3. Evolving,
4. Social Ecology of community based tank rehabilitation and irrigation management in the coastal region of Pondicherry - B. Guna (2008) ,
5. Ecology and management of mangroves in Pondicherry-Cuddalore region (2010) - K.Elangovan ,
6. Studies on Biomedical waste handling,
7. Studies on the linkages between tourism, India (2011) - J.Murali
8. Studies on the natural hazards in selected settlements of Kendrapada, impacts and adaptations of the coastal communities (2012) - Swati Sulagna
9. Studies on Environmental Education for sustainable development in chosen areas of Puducherry and Cuddalore (2013) - Alexander ,
10. Studies on Industrial Ecology in selected industrial estates and industries of Puducherry (2013) - Rashmi Patnaick ,
11. Studies on the impacts of agricultural activities on ecosystem services and environmental and social-ecological sustainability in the chosen cropping system (2013) - Padmavathy ,
12. Studies on Bio-cultural heritage/diversity and bio resources to evolve community based co-management strategies for conservation and sustainable use in Wayanad region,
13. Studies on Social Ecology of urban solid waste management and Environmental risk assessment in Cuddalore municipality-Abraham lingan (submitted by Sept ,
14. Studies on evolving onsite sustainable grey water reclamation strategies at selected sites using Constructed Wetlands in Puducherry region -Golda Edwin(submitted by Feb 2015) ,
15. Evolving and implementing an action research frame work for Green Campus strategies at educational institutions with special reference to water-food-energy nexus and sustainability in Puducherry I,
16. Towards sustainable municipal solid waste management in Puducherry region: assessing the quality and performance of existing practices and exploring the potential of sector-based waste management ,
17. Impact assessment of the application of value added vermi-compost on selected ecosystem services and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus [(l.) monech]) and brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) in Pudu,
18. Strategic Environmental Assessment for sustainable tourism /ecotourism in Vazhachal forest division ,
19. Sustainable management of temple wastes and Municipal Solid Wastes in Thirunallar Commune ,
PhD thesis guidance - Degree awarded -13; awaiting results-3; ongoing - 3 ,
International Solar Energy Society
WBCSD & Earth watch Institute)